Best State For Women In India
It’s not like Manipur is the only Indian state, where women play such an important role. But Manipur is a special case. Our story starts with Khagemba, who became the king of Manipur in the 15th century. During his rule, the Manipur Kingdom shared borders with many different empires: So when Khagemba become the ing, he mandated all the males between the age of 17 to 60 years to render service to the empire as soldiers during both war and peacetime, so that he could safeguard his empire.
This practice was known as Lallupkaba. The direct impact of this practice was on the Manipuri families. The wives, mothers, and sisters back in villages had no men in the family to fend for them. Thus, to survive, women entered the marketplace. Gradually, a market was set up in Imphal, where only female traders would work. Now, because they were not at home and out in public working, these women started interacting with many customers. they were like entrepreneurs of their time. Ratna Huirem, a professor at Assam University said that due to their interactions with people, social and political understanding amongst the women increased.
it established that women had a very important role in Manipuri society Hence, in many civil resistance movements in Manipur, women have been at the forefront. Now, listening to such things, you might be surprised to know, Manipuri women do not play an important role in the politics in the region. Manipur is one of the worst-performing states when it comes to politics. An analysis by the mint has shown that Manipur’s stat is lower than the all-India average. So why is it so? Two reasons can be attributed to this problem.
First is that Manipur society never really had a female-dominated political system. The important role of women as contributors in society happened because of compulsion, And even when women became contributors, their roles were restricted to informal jobs. unfortunately, the second reason is the politics of our country. Giving a ticket to a female is considered a ‘risky affair’. Brinda Thounaojam, a former cop, told the Behnbox portal. That money is an important factor in politics.
Parties like BJP and congress, prefer giving tickets to candidates who have a lot of money and can contribute that money to the election campaign and party fund. As we have said, the women who were working were doing informal jobs. How would they have that kind of money? that’s why when it comes to politics, the performance of Manipuri women has not been good.
So, friends, this was the full information about our topic Best State For Women In India.