Today I would like to put your attention on the I.C.Golaknath Case. Let us see with some important points that What happened...
The Berubari Union Case is a very famous case. It is a very important Case law for the purpose of Competitive exams....
Hey, I would like to put your attention on a very interesting topic i.e First Constitutional Amendment. I would like to tell...
Hi, I will explain to you about the Maintenance of the Child Born From Live-In-Relationship. Who is Responsible if child Born from...
Supreme Court’s Faster System Means Supreme Court Introduces Fast and Secured Transmission of Electronic Records (FASTER) System. Supreme Court’s FASTER System is...
Hi friends today I am here to introduce you to the famous case which name is Aryan Khan. You all must have...
The Constitution (Fourth Constitutional Amendment)Act,1955 is very important for the purpose of the study. Because through the 4th amendment of the constitution...
Hi, today I will explain to you about Anti Conversion Law. In the olden era, there were various Murdered because of Inter...
Hello friends, today I would like to put your attention on a very interesting topic. i.e., Interested Witness – Whether interested witness...
As you all know that it is very much discussed these days i.e., Aryan Khan case & Narcotics related matters. It (...
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